
The payments service user (PSU) wants faster, better and more secure ways of interacting when it comes to their assets or the services they want access to. Our Developer Portal lets you, the developers safely experiment and test your implementations in the playground before going Live.

In our Portal, you´ll find an comprehensive guides on how to work with our APIs and what information you can access with them.

We value the smooth and easy to use experience, we have built our API around the Representational State Transfer Service architecture (REST for short), standard HTTP and easy-to-read and to write JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

We follow the Berlin Group API specification and we have extended the documentation to meet regulatory requirements.

Enfuce Financial Services works as a service provider for the customers listed below and is technically responsible for developer portal and sandbox functionality-

  • Rocker
  • ST1 Finance
  • Alisa Bank

To ensure the transparency, metrics for the XS2A interfaces are available on-request, please contact us to learn more.

Click below to view the PSD2 Performance and Availability

please contact us to learn more.